While promoting Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (which is brilliant, by the way), Tom Hardy spoke to The Scotsman about playing Bane. An excerpt can be read below:
The Dark Knight Rises won't be in cinemas until July of next year, but it's a measure of Hardy's rising reputation that his casting was met with near universal approval from the notoriously prickly fan community, especially since expectations have been stoked to fever pitch ever since the late Heath Ledger's deranged, frightening turn as the Joker in The Dark Knight redefined what a comic book villain could be.
"It is a little daunting," admits Hardy. "I want to do well, but I'm with the right team. I mean, Chris Nolan is brilliant. And he has relative carte blanche with the studios at the moment, so to step into a situation with a larger-than-life character in a larger-than-life world that is fully articulated and gearing up with such a massive amount of financial and creative support, it's a fantastic opportunity."
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